
I’ve come farther in my behaviour than most could even wrap their mind around.

It doesn’t excuse my current fireworks when they happen

but I used to be a walking talking minefield.

I realized this when recently picking up one of my poetry books.

I thought Nagh girl you ain’t crazy.

Now that kid you were…that kid was a wreck🤣

 It helps to read old journals to realize how far one has truly grown. 

I don’t say this to sidestep or disown the damage I cause others in my journey.

I own that shit

and come wrapped in crime tape and warning stickers.

Im an introvert for others protection

just as much for my own. 

 Sometimes damage just happens

as much as I try to prevent it though.

Every week brings new growth. 

I think we do a dis service to ourselves and those we’ve hurt

if we don’t inspect the rubble afterwards

for signs of what caused the explosion

or implosion

and how to avoid such in the future. 

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